Monday, December 22, 2008

Maren in costume

This is Maren as the cowardly lion in the "Wizard of Oz". Great costume, eh? She did a fine acting job. She really enjoyed it but ti was awfully HOT......
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Update 0n the Parental Units. . . ..

Had to add the "roses" in among the thorns...

The guys. . . . pretty good looking bunch I'd say !

The Boys . . . . handsome group. . .

Hi everyone . . .

Dec 22nd.
It is still snowing, BIG flakes coming down steady . . . The snow blower will get a work out today.. It looks like Bruce and family are not out of the woods yet.. snow forecast for the next few days all the way through Christmas.. Our weather is the same but clearing on Monday and Tuesday... we have at least a 18" to 24" of snow and more coming. Be safe out there......

I'm still trying to master this blog thing .. so you will get it in pieces until I do.. So if you get double pictures just delete one set...

Rea misplace her temple Recommend and needs to get an other one since we have to work in the temple on Sat after Christmas. the temple will be closed from Jan 1st too the 20th. They are replacing the carpet and seats in the endownment rooms and the veil room. They have replaced the greenish lights on the towers with white ones. It stands out and looks much better.

Well it's almost Christmas and we are ready for it and hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and remember why we celebrate the birth of our Savior and all the blessings that brings to us and our families. Stay close to the gospel and listen to the living prophet President Monsen.

Well, I've rattled on and will close with my love to and for each of you and your families. We now have 30 grand children and 18 Greatgrand children and we love each and every one.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Turkey day at Bruce and Gabi's

Cierra and her turkey hat (?)

Cameron and Nolan just hanging out....

Gracie and the olive plate. She would put
them on her fingers and then eat them..
Where do they learn that???

Tucker and Denise Brian, Jarom and

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deep fried turkey. ...

Bruce deep fried a 16 lb turkey that cooked in about 20 minutes.
After it cooled it was picked clean before it was cut and put on the plate.
It was great, tender, moist and Delicious.
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Update on Thanksgiving and mom's 75th....

I'm trying to use Picasa3 for picturres to the blog and we shall see if it works so stay tuned....